We would not have been able to complete our project without the help of a small group of children. Their hard work and dedication has helped us massively, but more importantly given them an area which they can be proud of. We are thrilled that the children have taken on this role and have been involved in making the garden their own.
At the start of our project we spoke about having a bugs hotel behind the shed area. This work was completed independently by the pupils. They researched how to build a bugs hotel and managed to source all the resources needed. The children have done an amazing job in creating a habitat suitable for bugs.
After ordering all the soil to fill the raised flowerbeds, we knew that the soil would be delivered to the front of the school and it would need transporting to the outdoor area. Luckily, the children got stuck in and managed to move a 1 ton bag by themselves to fill the raised flowerbeds ready for seeds to be grown.
Our aim is to leave the school with a garden which the children will use, so it was amazing news when the children and staff offered to plant the seeds themselves. They have planted a range of crops which can be used in the school kitchen including potatoes, beans and herbs. We are glad that the project is turning into a whole school project and many pupils are getting involved.
The pupils have also cut and painted plastic pots on the fences surrounding the area. This has brightened up the area and they will be used to grow small crops.
There are many tyres around the garden which will be filled with soil, and some will also have crops in. The children managed to move them into the correct place and start filling them with soil. So far they have been able to plant potatoes.
After returning to the school on the 10th May, we were so shocked by the amount of crops growing in our area. The children have been working hard to ensure that they are all planted at the correct time and with the correct attention needed. They have even focused on putting netting over the crops to prevent cats/birds eating them. Now the crops have fully grown the garden is starting to come to life. We were even extremely pleased to see that the children were so concerned and careful with watering the crops correctly to ensure they are growing.
The children are showing great care in the outdoor area and making sure the area is their own.